Friday, June 10, 2011

Soreness is the new black

Enrolled in my 4th Corepower Bootcamp this month, a n d   i m   l o v i n g   i t.  on day 5 and workout 10. bu yeah! Soreness is the new black haha.

you say: why bootcamp? whats my goal?  i think everyone who's taken these bootcamps will agree that you become addicted to the burn, the energy, the push & the triumphant feeling, and of course--> the results = getting leaner.

its a self challenge and a readjustment. its sets, and re-sets you on the right path. 

the cherry on top: when things are fuzzy in my life... it serves as a productive distraction...Sort of like: when all else is uncertain and gray - bootcamp is there to pick me up keep me pumpin'. :)

Now the master cleanses (which i agree i've been fiddling with a bit too much)... are another type of self-discipline challenge, that has had unreal and fabulous results.

So next week, for the first time - i will try and mix the two.  what you say?  mix bootcamp AND master cleanse?! yes, however only overlapping for 4-5 days, with careful monitoring... and much support from my friends.

i invite YOU, anonymous friend, to join me for my supplemental workouts this second week.  Salsa, kayaking, running, biking, yoga, swimming, tennis... you name it... call the time and ill be there.

- Sat. 6/11 circa 10AM - 5.25 mile walk on PB boardwalk.  dancing @ el Dorado 10pm-12am
- Sun. 6/11circa 1-3pm Tennis.
- Mon.: Mission Valley 10:15-11:15 Hot Power Fusion by Sommer.
- Tues: TBD
- Wed. 6/15 Rancho Sta Fe Bike Ride?, Tennis and at 8:30PM at La Jolla Marriott Salsa dancing.

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